Monday, February 16, 2009


Dear Anonymous Readers,

Worldly aspirations have eaten up whatever time I have left. I woke up each day with the sole intention to fulfill material desires and self gratification. I have digressed. For a while there wasn't any effort from me to see the world as something more than just a physical existence. This convenience, was probably an escape that my simpleness longed for. When life is full of pain, it's only natural to be driven by goals and dreams that promise shallow comfort. It's hard to think of any other option, when one is in that single line of thinking. I am not sure myself if I have gotten back on track.
Days are now blending into each other and I am at the mercy of the fickle amount of distinction they have left. It's is bitter for the days to have no credible significance to stand as an individual, distinguished class of seven. Moon, Sun, Tyr, Odin, Thor, Frigg and Saturn. Those that they have been inspired by are revered entities in their own right. So those seven days should do justice and carry that reverence that have been baptised within their names.

Oh my, I might very well have gone mad.

I became too complex over the years. Ten years ago pain was being told off by your parents or not getting that shiny new toy you just saw on TV. There was no depression, filial expectation, rejection. I didn't understand those things back then. I didn't understand the world. I was naive. And now how I wished I was still naive, because life seemed so much simpler like that.
Ignorance is certainly bliss.

Another wave of sorrow is probably on its way. I can't continue writing if I'm swept away. It's better to stop this for now.


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